Choosing the ‘right’ photo for your LinkedIn profile can sometimes be a challenge - using a professional taken photo is of course ideal, but you can absolutely use a shot taken with your smartphone as well. Here are a few tips on how to take your own profile photo (or ideally, get a friend to help you take it!) - 

  • Make sure your face is well lit in the photo - natural light usually gives the best result, something you can find both indoors (facing a window, or slightly angled) or outdoors (in a shaded area rather than in direct sun). Avoid direct sunlight (as it can create harsh shadows in your face) and also standing with your back in front of a window (background will be too bright and your face won’t be well lit).

  • The position of the camera/smartphone should be fairly straight on - avoid shooting up or down on your face.

  • Stand or sit in a pose you feel comfortable in - a slight angle of the body with the face straight forward or (a slight angle) is usually flattering. Make sure you straighten your back, roll your shoulders a bit, and relax!

  • Smile! :) People prefer to see profile shots where people are smiling as it makes them look more friendly and approachable. If you don’t like showing your teeth, you can still smile with your mouth closed and try smiling more with your eyes. Smiling is especially important if you choose a shot where your arms are crossed, as it can otherwise come across as a bit distant and defensive.

  • Pick a backdrop that isn’t too busy or distracting - a plain wall, an office environment, outside in nature or a brick wall are some common options. Have a look around and try some different options - what works best also depends on what the light is like in the area.

  • Make sure there is enough space around your face, but don’t crop it too tightly - as a guide, your face should take up nearly 2/3 of the frame. 

  • Getting a friend or colleague to take the photo is usually preferable as you can leave it to someone else, and it can also help you feel more relaxed with a friend around. If you do take it yourself, try to use a tripod for your phone (or position it on a good level) to avoid selfie arms, and use a timer or voice command to take the shot. 

  • Try to look like you would usually look like in your work environment or for a meeting - don’t do anything you wouldn’t normally do, especially with your hair or make up. 

Hope you found these tips helpful!